Category: Politics & News

  • Dobson, Trump, Faith, and Power

    The major Evangelical leader Dr. Dobson has put out a release talking about Donald Trump’s faith. Now I was under the impression that there was no “religious test… as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust”. But since Dobson brought it up… in the words of Aaron Burr in Hamilton “Ok, so we’re doin’ this”.…

  • Thoughts on the Syrian Refugee Crisis

    I thought I’d take a look at the countries who are hosting the most Syrian Refugees. So with a quick skim of news reports and Wikipedia I have this. These are the countries that have brought in the most Syrian refugees by percentage of their population: Lebanon (22%) Jordan (10%) Macedonia (10%) Serbia (4%) Greece…

  • Republican Candidate Prediction

    14 candidates step in, one steps out. Hey that could be an interesting TV show. But since we don’t do this by cage match who has a chance at winning the Republican nomination? Alright, I’m going to cut out anyone who polled lower than one percent on any of the polls in the last week. I’m…

  • Why I Can’t Vote Conservative Any More

    I am an ex Conservative voter. I maintain that I didn’t leave them, they left me. I have voted for three different parties in the four federal elections I’ve participated in, only the Conservatives twice. The two Conservative MPs I’ve voted for both have my respect. They are good people. They have done great things…