Category: Politics & News

  • Canada’s Response to the Refugee Crisis

    This post has been percolating for over a month now. So sorry it’s a bit long but I like giving facts and doing my best to not misrepresent people. I don’t often include Bible verses on my blog but today I am. Matthew 25:34-36 Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come,…

  • “Old Stock Canadians”

    *update at the end* So in the debate today Stephen Harper said “Old Stock Canadians” and it’s taking twitter by storm (in that no one outside twitter cares yet, but they might tomorrow). So I decided to find out what it means. I thought it was a minor dog whistle like “real Americans”. I wish…

  • Dispelling Myths about First Nations Chief’s Salaries

    First nations chiefs are essentially CEOs these days. And with the First Nations Financial Transparancy Act we can see how much they’re making – see here for the data. Now that list includes counselors so I pulled only chiefs and based this on the results. Remember, these are CEOs. In addition to managing Treaty & Indian Act money…

  • Who’s Buying Your Candidate?

    This info is from the New York Times’s article here. I just played with it in excel. Have you ever wondered where all the money comes from in the US election? Well, here’s seven of the top raising candidates and how much of their super pac money is coming from donations greater than one million…