So I just realized today that both Kobo and Nook have new editions out. And Kobo’s is selling for $139. Looks like the Kindle 3 is almost to its one year milestone, and Kindle now has a new ad-supported version (not touching that one with a ten foot pole). Well, as I love my Sony I figured that I’d go take a look at their current offerings. And low and behold the touch edition: sold out, pocket edition: sold out. In fact only the daily edition is left. So I checked around, looks like the Sony is on a major sale down at Amazon… I sense a theme developing here. They’re clearing out the models. Which hints at one thing. Last year (around November I think) Sony inked a deal for an exclusive contract for new e-ink displays.
Putting these together I think we have a new model coming out soon. And I think it’s going to be competitive with the Kobo. So, here’s my prediction: in the next 2-3 weeks Sony will announce a new ebook reader. It will be touch screen. It will be a pearl e-ink display. And it will retail for under $180. If they’re smart they’ll peg it at $139. If they’re stupid they’ll peg it at $199. They will also have a smaller version, an updated pocket edition, which will retail for $99. It won’t have touch screen, but it will have a pearl e-ink display.
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