Tag: advocacy

  • 2014 School Trustee Platform

    The campaign season has wrapped up and I did not make it in.  But I wanted to keep my platform here for people to see.

    Brief Bio:

    Noah Arney grew up and attended school in Abbotsford and returned to establish a family after receiving his Bachelor of Education from UBC. He has worked in education for six years at both the secondary and post-secondary levels; working primarily with Aboriginal learners.

    During his post-secondary education Noah was active in student government and institutional committees at UFV and is now interested in pursuing a more active role in the community through service to the Board of Education.

    Noah hopes to bring to the school board his expertise as an educator and his commitment to current best practices in education.



    The current Abbotsford School Board has done some very good things over the last three years, the strategic plan is a sound document and I would love to be part of the implementation of it, and the increase in the Aboriginal student graduation rate to being within 5% of the general graduation rate is an accomplishment that should be lauded and continued to be worked on. But there are some areas that I feel need to be revisited.
