Tag: pilgrim

  • My feet hate me

    Well we made it.  We’ve walked over 200km in the last two weeks.  Yeah, I know, we’re crazy. So my feet are still sore, but soaking them every day has been helpful.  The tops of my feet look normal, but the bottoms look horrid.  I’d take a picture of them but they’re pretty ugly right now. I’m hoping that by the time I get home they will have stopped hurting.  Enjoy.

  • Santiago

    We made it. Dad and I got into Santiago yesterday afternoon.  We immediately went to the cathedral to “km 0” and took a lot of pictures with our group.  It was 18km from our start point that day, and dad and I were among the first people to reach the meet-up spot, which was 4 km out of town. After finding our hotel and washing up we all met back at the cathedral for a tour.  The guide was very good, and we learned a lot about the history of the cathedral and the town. Then it was off to have Tapas for dinner.  So way too much food and some good drinks later we decided to pack it in early (10:30 pm). Today we slept in for the first time this trip, had a late breakfast, and went to the Cathedral for the pilgrim’s mass.  It was relatively good, but I don’t speak Spanish, and I’m not a big fan of Baroque architecture.  The singing was amazing though. Then we wandered the old city a bit, had lunch, and now I’m typing this. I’m about to go back to the hotel for a short rest, and then it’s off to see a museum. Enjoy.

  • One more day

    Yes, that’s right, I get to Santiago tomorow. For those who don’t know, yesterday we walked 28km.  Yes, that’s right 28.  We got into Arzura (sic) at about 6:30 pm.  That meant walking through the heat of the day. When you hear the phrase heat of the day, imagine the sun on the hottest day of the year beating down on your neck.  Yeah, it’s hot. But we made it eventually.  Got in looking for a nice long soak in a tub… and there’s only a small shower.  Sigh. So I started off today sore, and with tight muscles.  But I wore that off, and had a great first six km.  Had a nice talk with a French Gentleman, and enjoyed the countryside.  Then my feet suddenly started hurting.  I still don’t know why.  But I pressed on and made it to the 12km mark where the check point was.  That was as far as my feet would allow me.  I took the van the last 8 km.  On the plus side it meant that I could rest for a bit, and soak my feet (there was actually a tub) for a bit, then take a nice long bath.  I’m feeling considerably more human right now, and should be able to make the last 18km tomorrow fairly well. Dad had a way better day today than yesterday.  He, for some strange reason, decided to jog it.  Yes, Jog.  20km.  But he made it, and was the first one in today.  Arriving just 1/2 an hour after the van.  I’m impressed. The views here are beautiful.  Huge vistas of every imaginable variety.  It’s lovely walking here (until the heat of the day). I wish I could put some of my pictures up here for you to see them, but believe me, they’re awesome. I was asked to talk a bit about the group that we’re traveling with. It’s fairly multinational.  There is a group of seven Australians who are friends and relatives (two of them live in London), there are four New Zealanders, two Californians, and two other Americans.  It’s a pretty cool group. Well, enjoy your days.  Oh, and has anyone let Zach and Clare know about this yet? Enjoy.

  • Pilgrimage

    This one has to be quick as I´ve got 4 min left.  No spell check for me.  I started the pilgrimage yesterday.  7km yesterday, and 15 today.  I´m in Portomarin right now.  Tomorrow we ramp it up to 23km.  I´m hoping my feet hold out. Adios