Tag: teaching
Alberta’s Draft Curriculum Is Built on Sandy Ground
A former twitter thread In June 2021 Calgary Herald published an opinion piece by Dr. Martin Mrazik. It had a lot of issues, but most importantly it tipped the hand about how shaky the foundation of Alberta’s now introduced new curriculum was. “The capacity to critically think emerges from a solid foundation of well-sequenced factual…
Book Review of “The Missing Course: Everything They Never Taught You About College Teaching”
A snippet from my review posted at the Canadian Journal of Higher Education In my classes I try to explain to second year comput-ing students that their technical skills are only one part of what they need to succeed. Many jobs are like that, requiring both discipline or field specific skills and trans-ferable or soft…
#MySAPath – My Path to Student Affairs via Indigenous Education
The full post of this is over at The Student Affairs Collective blog. I am a student advisor (both academic and career advising) at a small aboriginal college in Vancouver B.C., Native Education College. The issue I have with describing a non-traditional student affairs path is that I have very little reference for what a…
Failure and Education
Today I read a list of “25 of the Most Important Things a Dad Can Teach His Kids“. I don’t agree with them all, but number one was in my opinion the most important thing you can teach. “ Winning is fun, but it teaches you nothing. Failure is the best teacher in the world.…