Tag: teaching
Book Review of “The Missing Course: Everything They Never Taught You About College Teaching”
A snippet from my review posted at the Canadian Journal of Higher Education In my classes I try to explain to second year comput-ing students that their technical skills are only one part of what they need to succeed. Many jobs are like that, requiring both discipline or field specific skills and trans-ferable or soft…
#MySAPath – My Path to Student Affairs via Indigenous Education
The full post of this is over at The Student Affairs Collective blog. I am a student advisor (both academic and career advising) at a small aboriginal college in Vancouver B.C., Native Education College. The issue I have with describing a non-traditional student affairs path is that I have very little reference for what a…
Failure and Education
Today I read a list of “25 of the Most Important Things a Dad Can Teach His Kids“. I don’t agree with them all, but number one was in my opinion the most important thing you can teach. “ Winning is fun, but it teaches you nothing. Failure is the best teacher in the world.…
The Mind of a Digital Native
I was reading Lowering Higher Education by James E. Côté and Anton L. Allahar recently and was intrigued by their chapter on Technologies. In it they discuss the concept of Digital Natives and whether or not they require a different style of teaching or have a different understanding of learning. Do Digital Natives require a…